The extra training paid off, and she romped home in record time. 额外的训练得到了补偿,她轻而易举地创造了纪录。
Even though employees are working remotely in record numbers, executives have technology on their side to aid the practice of open and frequent communication in the workplace. 尽管现在远程办公群体前所未有地壮大,但管理者还是可以通过手中的技术来协助人们在工作场所中进行坦诚而频繁的交流。
Critics often compare India to the other Asian giant, China, which has built world-class infrastructure in record time. 观察人士常常把印度和亚洲另外一个经济大国中国相比。中国在创记录的短时间内修建了世界一流的基础设施。
The voters turned out in record numbers and delivered anhistoric victory. 此次选民的投票率创下了历史新高,带来了历史性的胜利。
The J2ME API provides certain interfaces to interpret the data stored in a record store. J2MEAPI提供某种接口来解释存储在记录存储中的数据。
You can also pull multiple fields in a record, separating each field by a comma. 我们还可以从一条记录中提取多个域,之间使用逗号分开。
The ownership of the Task record can change with a change in record state. 任务记录的所有权可以随记录状态的变更而改变。
Including the field name in the record with the data is a great way to track changes. 将字段名包含到带有数据的记录中是跟踪更改的好方法。
You have completed the task to replace the company name in thousands of places among multiple files in record time using the rpl tool. 您已经完成了任务,在创纪录的时间内使用rpl工具替换多个文件中成千上万个位置的公司名。
A cool feature often provided in active record design pattern implementations is dynamic finder methods. 活动记录设计模式实现内经常提供的一个很棒的特性是动态finder方法。
Each record in a record store is an array of bytes and has a unique integer identifier. 记录存储中的每个记录是一个字节数组,并且有唯一的整数标识符。
In addition, in the record and playback script you need to find and open each verification point individually to find the search results. 此外,在记录和回放脚本中,您需要分别查找和打开每个验证点以查找搜索结果。
Obviously, this depends on the other information contained in the record. 显然,这依赖于记录中包含的其他信息。
In record mode only, the click-timing events are printed to STDOUT, along with the hash signature for those particular events. 仅在记录模式下,单击计时事件将被输出到STDOUT中,以及这些特殊事件的散列签名。
Here is how to reference fields in a record. 下面是如何引用一条记录中的域。
In the record and playback script, you have to scroll through the code to find the search criteria. 在记录和回放脚本中,您必须滚动代码以发现搜索标准。
Databases work more efficiently for batches of updates, versus updates of a couple fields in one record. 数据库能够更有效地批量处理更新,一些字段的更新可以在一个记录中。
The username information is not included in the record because it is encoded according to the users ID. 因为是根据用户ID进行编码的,所以该记录中不包括用户名信息。
At this stage, the mock object is in record state& that is, you're simply defining the method calls it will expect along the way. So, the mock is recording expectations accordingly. 在此阶段,模拟对象处于记录状态&即简单地定义对象将一直期望的方法调用,因此,模拟将相应地记录期望。
It logically maintains a sequence of the recordIds of the records in a record store. 它逻辑上维护记录存储中一连串的记录的recordId。
It provides several methods to manage as well as insert, update, and delete records in a record store. 它提供了几个方法来管理以及插入、更新和删除记录存储中的记录。
You can define roles in this record as well provide authorization for your application. 您可以在这个记录内定义角色以及为应用程序提供授权。
Assistants in record shops are used to receiving "humming queries": a customer comes into the store humming a song he wants, but cannot remember either the title or the artist. 音像店的店员已经习惯了接受“哼唱问询”:一位顾客走进店来,把他想要,却又记不起名称或者歌手的那首歌哼唱出来。
Once the world's largest insurer, now AIG is in the record books for all the wrong reasons. 曾经为世界上最大保险公司的AIG目前正列在所有错误原因的记录上。
Today's young job seekers are vying for government posts in record numbers. 如今,年轻求职者对政府岗位的竞争可谓空前未有。
Ive seen you engage and Ive seen you turn out in record numbers. 我看到过你们的投入,我看到过你们挺身而出,人数空前。
Global investors are lending money to Chinese property developers in record amounts this year, in spite of a deteriorating housing market and warnings from rating agencies over the state of the sector. 尽管中国楼市不断恶化,评级机构不断就中国房地产业发出警告,今年全球投资者向中国房地产开发商发放的贷款量还是创了纪录。
When he discovered she had qualified to drive heavy goods vehicles as a 17-year-old army recruit, and gained two promotions in record time, he persuaded her to join the transport division and became her mentor. 当他得知,赫斯特还是一名17岁的新兵时就取得了重型货车驾驶证,而且以创纪录的时间两度获得晋升,他说服赫斯特加入运输部门,并亲自担任她的指导。
They are marching off to gyms and discovering face cream in record numbers. 他们向健身房进军,物色到的面霜数目已创历史新高。